Post 10

Wedding favors. I was trying to decide what I should do for wedding favors, and it dawned on me: give away a midnight snack. Since it’ll be late once the wedding ends, everyone will be up for having a little snack as they leave. I bought 75 chinese takeout boxes off of Amazon. Total cost: $24. They are solid white and have a handle on them. I’m going to stuff them with cookies and candy and pass them out to everyone. I love this idea, mainly because it’s different and it’s also a favor that won’t go to waste. Here’s an example of what the boxes look like:,d.aWw&psig=AFQjCNF5vsCkGSdEs21JAJ5WrbHUJEsd5Q&ust=1398265845902545

Post 9

This post is dedicated to decorations. I used to waitress at Struts, a wing joint in Jacksonville, and if you’ve ever been, you’ll notice they have huge chalkboards that they display their food/drink specials on. One day the owners decided to buy new ones and switch them out, so I asked if I could have them, and they said yes! So, now I have two huge chalkboards to use as decorations at the wedding. Total cost: FREE.,d.aWw&psig=AFQjCNEYRhCMEcfyQAtQSlOFrrjK5rZI-Q&ust=1398264584377916

Post 9

This post is dedicated to decorations. I used to waitress at Struts, a wing joint in Jacksonville, and if you’ve ever been, you’ll notice they have huge chalkboards that they display their food/drink specials on. One day the owners decided to buy new ones and switch them out, so I asked if I could have them, and they said yes! So, now I have two huge chalkboards to use as decorations at the wedding. Total cost: FREE.,d.aWw&psig=AFQjCNEYRhCMEcfyQAtQSlOFrrjK5rZI-Q&ust=1398264584377916

Post 9

This post is dedicated to decorations. I used to waitress at Struts, a wing joint in Jacksonville, and if you’ve ever been, you’ll notice they have huge chalkboards that they display their food/drink specials on. One day the owners decided to buy new ones and switch them out, so I asked if I could have them, and they said yes! So, now I have two huge chalkboards to use as decorations at the wedding. Total cost: FREE.,d.aWw&psig=AFQjCNEYRhCMEcfyQAtQSlOFrrjK5rZI-Q&ust=1398264584377916

Post 9

This post is dedicated to decorations. I used to waitress at Struts, a wing joint in Jacksonville, and if you’ve ever been, you’ll notice they have huge chalkboards that they display their food/drink specials on. One day the owners decided to buy new ones and switch them out, so I asked if I could have them, and they said yes! So, now I have two huge chalkboards to use as decorations at the wedding. Total cost: FREE.,d.aWw&psig=AFQjCNEYRhCMEcfyQAtQSlOFrrjK5rZI-Q&ust=1398264584377916

Post 8

Drinks: everyone needs to have drinks at their wedding. It’s fun! We bought bulk glass bottled cokes from Costco; these are the ones that have real sugar in them, so they’re the really good ones. 150 cokes = $100. I was happy about buying these because it adds a vintage, classic touch, and also was affordable. Cheers!,d.aWw&psig=AFQjCNENFIuVfhzAXLj1nNCtQdY1AeS-DQ&ust=1398264265915500

Post 7

Another thing my fiancé and I decided to do for the wedding is hire a DJ. Since we have some money left over from being frugal on other things, we had extra to invest into something we’d like. Our DJ cost $500 for 4 hours of playing time. We were really happy we decided to hire one. The DJ will play our ceremony music, introduce us as husband and wife, do the ‘first dances’ , and play a variety of music all night long until the wedding ends. Although it does seem like a lot of money to spend, this is a smart investment because it takes being a “host” off of the hands of the bride and groom and allows them to have a good time.

Post 6

Pictures can be really expensive, and I didn’t want to spend a lot of money on engagement pictures. I work with a friend who does photography on the side, and agreed to do an engagement shoot for Aaron and myself. She normally charges people, but didn’t us because we are such good friends. In return, we made her a gift basket full of her favorite things as a thank you. Total on engagement pictures: $50. Score!

